Quality Pet Care Meets Convenience

Our Convenient Process


Activate Your Account

You’ll be asked questions about your pet and home. Review our terms of service and have vet records on hand.


In-Home Meet

We meet at your home to discuss the furbaby’s routine. We confirm access to the home and the pet info you entered in the app.


Easy App Scheduling

Scheduling, payments, and communication are done through our app.

Pet Care Mobile App

  • Communication

  • Appointment Requests

  • Visit Report Cards

  • Invoices and Payments

  • GPS Tracking

  • Easily Update Pet Details

  • Pet Pictures and Videos

  • Secure Data

Downloading the app:

Apple Store

Google Play

Using the client app:

App Instructions

Online Portal

Our Approach & Values:

Quality Pet Care

Loving care, enrichment-focused, dedicated staff pairing.


Easy to use app in your pocket. Extended care hours.


Schedule the hours you need with no minimum requirements. Same-day scheduling is allowed.

Science-Based Care

We base our care on the newest science-backed information available.


We are committed to keeping up our education and focus on educating clients. We have resources for training, nutrition, behavior, & enrichment.


Are you insured and bonded?

Our insurance and bonding are through Pet Sitter Associates.

How do scheduling times work?

We use time blocks when you request service. Our visits will happen during a time range. Please talk to us if there are medications needed at specific times.

Are your staff employees or independent contractors?

We have fairly compensated W-2 employees. Ellen owns her own dog training business and we share marketing and referrals.

How do you handle pets?

Sploot Pet Concierge upholds a philosophy of utilizing positive reinforcement techniques with pets. We firmly reject any use of physical punishment such as hitting, spanking, slapping, yelling, grabbing your pet, or use of tools that cause pain and fear. We are certified with Fear Free Pets.

Do you offer boarding services?

We think your pets will be most comfortable staying in their home. We offer in-home care specific to your needs.

Are you environmentally friendly?

At Sploot Pet Concierge, we are dedicated to reducing our environmental footprint. Our innovative online scheduling system ensures that all scheduling, invoicing, and necessary forms for our pet care services are entirely paperless, minimizing waste. We prioritize the use of biodegradable bags for dog waste to decrease the reliance on plastic bags in landfills. Furthermore, our team meticulously plans their daily dog walking and pet sitting routes to minimize driving time, thereby reducing fuel consumption and vehicle emissions. With these eco-conscious practices, we strive to be genuinely eco-friendly in all aspects of our operations.