Exciting News: We Are Fear Free Certified Pet Sitters!
Animal Behavior, Pet Parenting, Pet Safety, Pet Health Jenny Persha - CEO Sploot Pet Concierge Animal Behavior, Pet Parenting, Pet Safety, Pet Health Jenny Persha - CEO Sploot Pet Concierge

Exciting News: We Are Fear Free Certified Pet Sitters!

We are excited to announce that we are now Fear Free Certified Pet Sitters! Our certification from Fear Free signifies our dedication to providing top-level care to your beloved pets, ensuring their physical and emotional wellbeing. With comprehensive training in animal body language, behavior basics, enrichment, and more, we are equipped to offer the highest standard of care. Discover valuable resources for pet parents at Fear Free Happy Homes and help your pets live their happiest, healthiest lives!

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Creating a Cat-Friendly Home: 10 Essential Tips for a Happy and Healthy Feline
Pet Care, Pet Health, Animal Behavior Jenny Persha - CEO Sploot Pet Concierge Pet Care, Pet Health, Animal Behavior Jenny Persha - CEO Sploot Pet Concierge

Creating a Cat-Friendly Home: 10 Essential Tips for a Happy and Healthy Feline

Transform your home into a cat-friendly haven with our top 10 expert tips. Learn how to create a stimulating and comfortable environment for your feline friend by providing vertical spaces, cozy hiding spots, interactive toys, and more. Enhance your cat’s well-being and strengthen your bond with these practical and easy-to-implement suggestions

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